[F113] An option for a coach to turn off 3-day FREE TRIAL
Jeff Fajans
I would absolutely love if Coach.me got rid of 3-day free trials, or any period free trials. In all my years on here, there has almost never been a good client that comes from this. Most are uncommitted and minimally engaged...and don't end up as long-term clients anyways. This is wasting coaches time and also not leading to long term.
It is also not serving clients and users to help them build habits.
I would recommend using discounts instead of Free to attract better clients and prospects.
It's a low cost commitment anyway, and it works better for the client to put some stakes in the game to commit (vs not truly committing upfront)
Lidia Chmel
Lidia Chmel
in progress
Lidia Chmel
under review
Wildo Ballenilla
I would like the free trials to remain at the discretion of the coach. For example... IF I want to offer a free trial to someone or take them on as charity, then I would have the option to do it... or not.
Lidia Chmel
Wildo Ballenilla: Wildo, this is our view as well: we are going to have this as an option for a coach to turn free trial off. Thanks for your comment!